A young Catholic widow's blog about prayers, dreams and all the interminglings in-between!
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013

The World
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Little Drummer Boy
Angels And Prophets Among Us
(Verse One:)
Angels and prophets among us a voice crying out to be heard
A virgin becoming a mother knitting her flesh to the Word
O Mary be near in our longing with Isaiah the prophet and John
And Gabriel singing the Good News
Our darkness will break with the dawn
Rejoice, Rejoice Emmanuel
Shall come to thee O Israel
(Verse Two:)
Angels and prophets among us remind us and tell us again
That God is in love with His people
More than lover or father or friend.
(Verse Three:)
Angels and prophets among us gather to pray with us here
Revealing God's love found in Jesus
Seen or unseen they are near.
(Verse Four:)
Angels and prophets among us in homes or at risk on the street
In faces we've known for a lifetime in people we happen to meet
(Verse Five:)
Angels and prophets among us
Who charge us to focus on Christ
Though apathy reigns in our country
Being faithful demands a great price.
(Verse Six:)
Angels and prophets among us
Who comfort and challenge and guide
Who call us to peace in the chaos
And pierce us when puffed up with pride.
Friday, December 20, 2013
(American Catholic Minute Meditations)
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Note to self...
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Our Lady of Guadalupe Pray for Us!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Do not be afraid, Mary...
Mary, full of grace, mother of God,
mother of the Church,
model of faithful discipleship,
Tell me, please:
after the angel said
"do not be afraid,"
did you stop being afraid?
Or were you trembling long after
you spoke your answer
and the angel departed from you?
Throughout all the fearful events that followed,
did Gabriel return from time to time
to say again, "do not be afraid,"
or were you on your own, clinging to God's promise
with only Joseph to support you as best he could?
I ask, Mary, because I am often afraid,
And I see such fear in the human race.
We often try to hide it,
but it comes out in many ugly ways.
Mary, you knew fear.
Help me-and all the people of the world-
to face our fears.
Help us remember that God has promised
to be with us too,
and that, through Jesus,
we have all found favor with God.
I do not expect a visit from Gabriel,
But I would be very grateful if you
would lean close to us from time to time
and whisper softly into our hearts:
"do not be afraid."
St. Louis de Montfort