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Saturday, October 6, 2012

"Goodbye Lisa"

I was leaving somewhere today and someone said to me, "Goodbye Lisa". I smiled politely and said, "Goodbye". I wasn't thrown off by being called the wrong name, goodness there's been so many times I've failed to remember somebody's name or called someone the wrong name. What struck me later on was a childhood memory.
When I was young, probably 7ish I'd guess, I remember going through a phase where I did not like my name. Possibly even my middle name the whole gamut; Mary Terese. Who knows what sparked this dislike. Maybe a conversation at school with a friend, or a TV show...I can't remember all of those details. But I remember that I was the only kid in my class named Mary, I think even the whole school. I didn't like having an uncommon name. I recall questioning "Who names their kid Mary anyways? That's an old person name." I wanted a common name, something "cooler". So I would revolt when I played Barbies. Yep, you better bet that none of my dolls were EVER named Mary. Lisa was the name I picked. I even had a plan that maybe when I got older I would change my name.
I don't think I ever told my parents about not liking my name. But I did later learn why I was named Mary. I was named after a Great Aunt who was deceased. She was always smiling and took pictures a lot. ( maybe there's something to this name). And I eventually got over the whole not liking my name thing. I eventually began to like my name because it was different. I began to like my middle name because nobody knew how to spell it and that made me different. I began to like my name because I could attribute it to so many beautiful Saints. So I began to learn about them, pray their novenas, ask for their intercessions. Learned how to pray the Hail Mary (and the rosary)!
As an adult now it's interesting how reflecting back on a memory like this can make you feel. I feel a bit sad and ashamed that I felt like that about my name. That I didn't connect my name to Mary, the Mother of God. I'm curious and wonder how aware I was of Mary as a child. I know I didn't know the prayer Hail Mary. I love my name now (first & middle). I still don't know a whole lot of Marys and I'm okay with that. The Marys I do know (living and Saints) are amazing women.

This memory has inspired me to be certain that my Godchildren, nieces, nephews and students know more about their names and what makes them special and holy.

Here are some sites for reference:

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