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Friday, August 17, 2012

Conversation with God

As I'm reading Beginning Contemplative Prayer I read a chapter about Brother Lawrence, a 16th century Carmelite monk. Brother Lawrence apparently discovered he had difficulty meditating for extended periods of time and during those times found his mind becoming focused on stray thoughts. (sounds familiar) Brother Lawrence found himself thinking thoughts about his day, what he wanted to do, etc. and felt a disconnect from prayer.  His resolution was to turn his whole day into a conversation with God!

The author encourages the reader to try Brother Lawrence's approach because if we do not allow time to converse with God our minds will be filled with trivial things.

 "Worry gets us nowhere, planning gets us somewhere. Complaining and criticizing spread angry clouds that hide hope and kill joy. Conversing with Love, however, opens us to the future with radiant hope, and our work gets done easily and restfully." (Beginning Contemplative Prayer 38)

What do you want tell God today? I have lots to say!

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