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Monday, August 13, 2012

Prayer Life Need a Boost?

Does your prayer life need a boost? I know my personal prayer life does. I recently have been exploring contemplative prayer. I have found probably two of the most challenging things for me when beginning/exploring this type of prayer have been:
1. Not falling asleep during this time
2. Being able to quiet my mind, listen and be open

But I'm going to be persistent and keep trying and learning! I've started reading a book; Beginning Contemplative Prayer, what better place to start than at the beginning. I'm learning a noisy and busy mind isn't unheard of, the author refers to it as "murmuring of the mind"...boy is my mind murmuring. If only I could shut-it up, tape it closed if that gives you a good visual. What I've learned is if I'm not taking enough time in my life to relax during my day-to-day routine, and instead am just going, going, going from one thing to the next, that's how my brain is going to function during prayer. It makes sense why I would have difficulty focusing, centering on prayer if that's the only time I'm allowing myself to  "rest". Which brings me to another thought, Sunday, our Sabbath, the Lord's Day. If I truly appreciate the Sabbath for what it is then I need to evaluate my observance of this day and ask myself, am I truly keeping this day holy and resting with the Lord? I can look at how my Orthodox Jewish friends observe their Sabbath. They truly rest. They refrain from work, spend time in fellowship with God, family and friends and rest in the Lord. I think if I make changes like this on the Lord's Day and even throughout the week my mind will be more open to various types of prayer, like contemplative prayer.

Recently Pope Benedict spoke about the Power of Prayer. He referred to the teachings of Sts. Alphonsus Liguori and Dominic.

"We are so poor that we have nothing; but if we pray we are no longer poor"
~St. Alphonsus Liguori  (II, 4)

"Arm yourself with prayer rather than a sword; wear humility rather than fine clothes."
~St. Dominic

Good luck on your prayer journey!

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