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Friday, August 31, 2012

Toothpaste On My Face

Ever get in such a routine that you begin to do things automatically and until you have time to sit and think you start to wonder..."Did I...?" That's been happening since I've begun my new job and have been adjusting to my schedule. Until I get settled I find myself struggling to get up at the 1st alarm. The 2nd alarm usually does it. I am able to usually pray my morning prayers before I leave for mass. I like my drives to mass. It's dark. It's quiet. Gives me time to think, talk to God...pray! Sometimes though as I pull in the parking lot or walk into church those questions start popping in my head the most common lately has been, "Do I have toothpaste on my face?"  (Okay secret is out I'm a horribly messy teeth-brusher. Mike used to be appalled at my tactics.)!
Toothpaste on my face (or not...hasn't truly happened yet) I will continue to go to mass. I have a friend who I meet there. It means so much to have a friend of faith, to celebrate mass and the Eucharist with even though we sit in silence (except to say good morning and then give the sign of peace). Sometimes it's just that silent presence that means so much. We often share our reflections afterwards and I reflect on our conversations and friendship through the day. We work together, that's another blessing I'm so thankful for!

"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship."
~St. Thomas Aquinas

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