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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Morning Prayer

Father, grant that I may be 

a bearer of Christ Jesus, your Son. 

Allow me to warm 

the often cold, impersonal scene 

of modern life with your burning love. 

Strengthen me by your Holy Spirit 

to carry out my mission of changing the world 

or some definite part of it for the better. 

Despite my lamentable failures, 

bring home to me that my advantages 

are your blessings to be shared with others. 

Make me more energetic in setting right 

what I find wrong with the world 

instead of complaining about it. 

Nourish in me a practical desire 

to build up rather than tear down, 

to reconcile instead of polarize, 

to go out on a limb rather than crave security. 

Never let me forget 

that it is far better to light one candle 

than to curse the darkness,

and to join my light, 

one day, with yours. Amen.

- Prayer of the Christophers

Received this prayer today in my inbox this morning. What a perfect gift to receive today! Thank you God!

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