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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Advent Reflections

During this time of Advent we can reflect on our Blessed Mother Mary. In her saying “yes” at the Annunciation, it was unbeknownst to her all the things she was also saying “no” to, but she accepted the call to follow God.

Just as Blessed Mary said yes, during this time of waiting, perhaps we can discern what God is asking of us. Is Jesus calling us to follow him? What are we “rich” in or perhaps over valuing that is hindering our ability to follow Christ when he calls us daily or in life as a vocation? What possessions are taking precedence over our spiritual flourishing or relationship with others and Christ? These are not easy things for us to discern, but if we bring them prayerfully before God we will begin to discover that it is, “Only when this ‘no’ to all human things is heard that the ‘yes’ of God can be heard.” (Eugene Boring) If it is our desire to follow Jesus we should bring these reflections to prayer and thy will be done for with God all things are possible.

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