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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Let the Purging Begin!

“Give, but give until it hurts.” ~Mother Teresa

In preparation for Lent, I took some time to think and prepare to determine what I am going to do this Lenten Season to grow in relationship with Christ. Instead of giving up things for Lent, I have decided to give more. More time to prayer, fasting, and alms. In doing so I'll inadvertently be giving up things like looking inward, self-centeredness, pride but all with God's help. 

So I'll start with almsgiving, this is exciting! For sometime now I have been reflecting about how much "stuff" I have. Now I don't mean I'm a hoarder or anything, and I also don't mean I'm rich and have extravagant things, however, I feel like I am so fortunate to have what I do have and perhaps even have a little more than I need. There are many things that I just don't need. My interests have changed in many ways and so all of this stuff is just going to waste. So I started over Christmas break and decided I'm making this my Lenten almsgiving practice. I have 40 days...let the purging begin! I was so anxious to start, I actually cheated and began a little early, but I will continue going through each room, drawer, closet, nook & cranny   in my house gathering things to donate to various charities & organizations that I just don't need or use. I have a couple friends and my sister who have offered to help me with the drop-offs which will be awesome and will help me keep a good rhythm going.

My first collection totaled 6 lawn bags and 13 boxes!! (I have to admit I was mildly impressed). It felt good though it was a bit challenging. It was hard to let go of some things, but then I kept remembering that God provides. So if I need something in the future, I know things will work out. I can't tell you how amazing this feels and I've only just begun!!

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