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Saturday, March 9, 2013


I was at mass this morning and before father gave his homily he told us that things were going to be a bit hurried. He explained there were four funerals today. The first one beginning immediately after mass. I don't think he needed to say anymore, that was a homily in itself. Four funerals. I thought no matter what happens to me today, my day is already good. I'm alive, healthy, my family (all things considered) is relatively healthy. While we have concerns with my 6 year old niece (we are offering prayers and some things are unknown right now, and my Aunt's cancer hasn't miraculously disappeared) they are alive and we as a family, are blessed in many ways. 

As I was leaving church I saw a younger guy, maybe around my age, crouched down talking to a child. I thought probably preparing him for the funeral and my heart sank even further. This perspective, outlook, attitude (whatever you want to call it) today, every day, can be life changing. I want to hold on to this perspective, though many times I fail and get caught-up in my own "business" or needs, desires and I forget.

So today I offer my day for those four families and their beloved dead. I also pray for our priests who are giving so much of themselves, always, but especially today. And I pray for my own conversion of heart. That I may look outward towards others and their needs, vs. looking inward at my own satisfaction and desires. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

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