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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Almighty and ever-living God, 
I approach the sacrament 
of your only-begotten Son 
Our Lord Jesus Christ, 
I come sick to the doctor of life, 
unclean to the fountain of mercy, 
blind to the radiance of eternal light, 
and poor and needy to the Lord 
of heaven and earth.  
Lord, in your great generosity, 
heal my sickness, 
wash away my defilement, 
enlighten my blindness, enrich my poverty, 
and clothe my nakedness. 
May I receive the bread of angels, 
the King of kings and Lord of lords, 
with humble reverence, 
with the purity and faith, 
the repentance and love, 
and the determined purpose 
that will help to bring me to salvation. 
May I receive the sacrament 
of the Lord's body and blood, 
and its reality and power.

St. Thomas Aquinas

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