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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

No Thank You

At camp today I heard something cool in the lunch line (besides the fact they call their juice "bug juice" ). The cook prepares quite a healthy meal for the kids and even some dishes are homemade! You can tell she puts her heart into the meals she prepares. When kids (and adults) go through the line she serves out the food herself and asks if we would like this, or that, or this. If anyone says no to anything, she doesn't banter with them she simply says, "I'm going to give you a 'no thank you' portion in-case you change your mind." Usually this translates into a smaller portion. Sometimes the kids will try it if they see their friends are eating it, or they will poke and prod at it, or wait until it is the last thing on their plate and then try it...a couple times it has ended up in the trash.

After I got home tonight and I was reflecting on the day I was thinking, about the "no thank you portions ". This made me think about our relationship with God. Sometimes in life he asks us to do/accept things and we can be quick to say 'no thank you'...not for me, I don't like that, etc. And without imposing his will on us, we are left to choose. Often we find those 'no thank yous', stirring up something within and we begin to think maybe we would like it, maybe it is for me...and so we try! And there the adventure begins anew. 

"We can only learn to know ourselves and do what we can - namely, surrender our will and fulfill God's will in us." ~Saint Teresa of Avila

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