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Thursday, October 31, 2013

"For I am convinced that neither death, not life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

United with Mary

Dear Blessed Mother Mary, you suffered in various ways precisely because you love Jesus and obeyed God. We come to you in your sorrows, especially as you stood at the cross of Jesus, and ask you to help us gain wisdom about our own suffering, difficulties, and challenges of life.  ~ (The Holy Land)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Faith is the beginning, and love is the end; and the union of the two together is God." 
~St. Ignatius of Antioch

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Memorial of St. Teresa of Avila, virgin and doctor

Let nothing affright thee,
Nothing dismay thee.
All is passing,
God ever remains.
Patience obtains all.
Whoever possesses God
Cannot lack anything
God alone suffices.
(This thought was found after St. Teresa's death on a prayer card in her breviary).

*St. Teresa, patroness against headaches those named Teresa...pray for us.*

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Please Pray with Me...

A dear friend of mine was recently diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma. She is also pregnant, expecting her third child. She begins chemotherapy next week, the treatment will not harm the baby because she is far enough along in her pregnancy. Please join me in praying for her, the baby, her husband and their children.

St. Peregrine is the patron of Cancer Patients. I was introduced to St. Peregrine after my husband's diagnosis and liked him right away. He had a "spunk" about him...punched another (future) saint in the nose! He was a fighter, both literally and figuratively...but a conversion soon turned him to a fighter for Christ. Please pray for all afflicted with cancer, that St. Peregrine may intercede for them. St. Peregrine hear our prayers.

        Novena to St. Peregrine
Begin this Novena by saying this opening prayer, followed by the appropriate day's reflection and prayer. Then end it with the closing prayer that appears at the end. The opening and closing prayers are prayed daily.

Daily Opening Prayer:

O good St. Peregrine, patron of those suffering from foot ailments, cancer, and incurable diseases, grant, we beseech you, relief from suffering to (name the names of the persons who are ill). In your compassion, we beg you to intercede with Our Lord Jesus Christ that mankind may soon find a cure for the dread disease of physical cancer as well as for the moral cancer which grips so much of our world today. Amen.

Day 1:Reflection: "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Mt 3:2)
Prayer: O great St. Peregrine, who were yourself converted from a violent and sinful life, grant that those who have strayed from the way of Christ may, like you, be given the grace to repent and amend their ways. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.

Day 2:Reflection: "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
(Mt 5:5)

Prayer: Good St. Peregrine, who bore the agonies of cancer patiently for so many years, grant us the courage and faith to stand up under our own sickness or weakness. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for our fortitude.

Day 3:Reflection: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you." (Jn 14:27)
Prayer: St. Peregrine, as His priest, you dwelt for many years in peace in the House of the Lord. Intercede for us with Him, then, that this troubled world, torn by hatred and violence, may at last know the blessedness of peace with justice. Amen.
St. Peregrine, help us bring lasting peace to the world.

Day 4:Reflection: "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Mt 4:19)
Prayer: St. Peregrine, you became a model priest and eloquent preacher. Grant us more vocations in these troubled times. Amen.
St. Peregrine, inspire more young men and women to follow in the footsteps of Christ just as you did.

Day 5:Reflection: "Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You who kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together, as a hen gathers her young under her wings, but you would not."
(Mt 23:37)

Prayer: O St. Peregrine, just as you were cured from cancer of the body, intercede for us that the cancer of disregard for life may be removed from the world today. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray that the people of the world may heed the teachings of Christ.

Day 6: Reflection: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for of such is the kingdom of God." (Mk 10:14)
Prayer: St. Peregrine, as a youth you led a life of sin. May our Divine Lord grant that your own conversion may inspire our wayward young people today to change their lives as you did and return to Christ. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for our young people.

Day 7:Reflection: "Cast me not off in my old age; as my strength fails, forsake me not." (Ps 70:9)
Prayer: St. Peregrine, God granted you the grace of a long and fruitful life. Ask Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to lighten the burden of so many of our aged today who are spending their twilight years in pain, sorrow, and loneliness. Amen.
St. Peregrine, bring comfort to our aged in their last days.

Day 8:Reflection: "They shall neither hunger nor thirst anymore." (Rev 7:16)
Prayer: O St. Peregrine, we ask you to heed the anguished cries of those dying from starvation throughout the world today, especially children and old people. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray that relief may come to those woh are suffering from hunger and thirst in body and soul.

Day 9:Reflection: "This day you shall be with Me in paradise." (Lk 23:42)
Prayer: Finally, O good St. Peregrine, we ask that you intercede for those whom God sees fit to call home. May they die in happiness and peace, confident that they will be with You forever in the presence of Jesus and Mary. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray that we may have strength and comfort in the hour of our death.

Daily Closing Prayer
St. Peregrine, inspired by your own example of repentance, patience, and humility, help us remain faithful to our resolution to walk with renewed strength and vigor in the ways of Our Lord. And, if God wills, please obtain a cure of the illness of (mention names) through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dear Therese

 "Dear little Thérèse , I was seventeen when I read your autobiography. It struck me forcibly...Once you had chosen the path of complete dedication to God, nothing could stop you: not illness, nor opposition from outside, nor the mists or inner darkness." ~Pope John Paul I

Friday, October 11, 2013

What have I done for Christ?
Little, little or nothing.
What am I doing for Christ?
Something, but badly,
like a sluggard.
What should I do for Christ?
Everything, O Lord,
if you do but help me
with your holy grace.
God is all: I am nothing.
Let this do for today. 
- Bl. Pope John XXIII

Saturday, October 5, 2013

I want to be 
completely transformed into your mercy 
and to be your living reflection, O Lord. 
Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, 
so I may never suspect 
or judge from appearances, 
but look for what is beautiful 
in my neighbors' souls 
and come to their rescue.  
Help me, that my ears may be merciful, 
so I may heed my neighbors' needs 
and not be indifferent to their pains. 
Help me, O Lord, that my tongue may be merciful, 
so I should never speak negatively of my neighbors, 
but have a word of comfort and forgiveness. 
Help me, O Lord, that my hands may be merciful 
and filled with good deeds, 
so I may do only good to my neighbors 
by doing the difficult tasks.
Help me, O Lord, that my heart may be merciful 
so I may feel all the sufferings of my neighbors.
Jesus, I trust in you!


St. Faustina Kowalska

Friday, October 4, 2013

St. Therese's Roses

St. Therese of Lisieux could be my namesake saint....born Marie Thérèse (though my parents didn't name me after her or any other saint in particular), they choose my name; Mary Terese because of other reasons. I have just begun reading her autobiography, Story of a Soul and have developed a devotion to this saint that I want to share. This year I set out to do so...true to St. Therese, in "little ways". Here are some of the beautiful things that transpired...

During 7th grade PSR I teach about a saint every week (usually the saint-of-the day or week if there is a particular saint I want to hone-in on and/or introduce to them). This Monday I had a lesson planned with a short movie and activity to introduce them to St. Therese, her "Little Way" and we were going to make sacrifice beads. In the middle of planning my lesson I realized that it would be important to have the beads blessed and that I should contact a priest. The priest that I contacted not only offered to come and bless the beads, but also to stay the duration of the class with us. Having his presence there with us was a wonderful experience. St. Therese often prayed for priests and I just thought this was a special gift to have him present with us that evening, such a witness. He even had a movie prepared to show the children, taught them and engaged them in ways I wouldn't have thought of. As often happens in life, I ended up learning a great deal myself.

During the school day I prepared lessons for my 4th-8th grade computer classes. I had created a guess/check activity with a series of questions that could be answered after viewing a YouTube video by Father James Martin; Who Cares About the Saints; St. Therese of Lisieux. After the video we had a discussion about what we learned. Our discussion opened with why do we learn about the saints and who is called to be saints. This opened up to a whole lot of questions...depending on the age and faith foundation some of the students thought that only REALLY  "holy" people were saints and some said they did not want to be a priest or religious sister so they didn't think they could be a saint. In one class we didn't even get to the movie because we were led down a different path (sorry St. Therese!) but I wanted to meet the kids where they were. A student asked if people become angels when they die? So this totally shifted gears and with the Memorial of the Guardian Angels the next day we spent the lesson learning about the difference between angels and saints!

There is a legend that St. Therese will "give" roses to an individual who prays to St. Therese in answer to their prayers. For St. Therese's dying words were: "I will let fall a shower of roses after my death." I was praying the novena of St. Therese and Wednesday I received...roses...well sort-of. Here are the "roses" I received. I was teaching a 5th grade class about St. Therese. We learned that St. Therese struggled with praying the rosary, and really did not enjoy praying the rosary. We talked about how we can relate this to our own prayer life; if we struggle  in prayer we can ask for St. Therese to intercede on our behalf or look to her example and how she persevered in prayer. I had a student raise her hand and tell me that she did not know how to pray the rosary and that she would like to learn. I told her we could talk after the lesson and I could share resources with her. After the lesson as we were talking privately, another student came up and said she would like to learn too. They asked if I could teach them.  I shared this news with my principal. We decided to offer this opportunity to more students; students in grades 5-8 and make it an after-school prayer club. I spoke to the two girls the next day and they were so excited. We discussed plans for the prayer club...flyers to advertise, possible prayers and activities for the year. Then one of the girls said that she thought it would be a good idea if they started to learn the prayers soon so they could lead the group! Soon meant that day. :) I looked at my teaching schedule...I only had one break and offered it up as my "little way". Sure enough the girls came and we prayed. It was a beautiful way to spend my break.  Though not actual roses...but the rosary itself was my "rose" from St. Therese and the roses will only continue to bloom and blossom once the prayer club begins and more children are learning to pray the rosary. St. Therese of Lisieux pray for us!

God our Father, You destined Your Kingdom for Your children who are humble. 
Help us to imitate the way of St. Therese, so that, by her intercession, 
we may attain the eternal glory which You promised. 

Saint Francis of Assisi Pray for Us!

“I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, He can work through anyone.” ~St. Francis of Assisi


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus


‘O Holy Father, may the torrents of love flowing from the sacred wounds of Thy Divine Son bring forth priests like unto the beloved disciple John who stood at the foot of the Cross; priests: who as a pledge of Thine own most tender love will lovingly give Thy Divine Son to the souls of men.

May Thy priests be faithful guardians of Thy Church, as John was of Mary, whom he received into his house. Taught by this loving Mother who suffered so much on Calvary, may they display a mother’s care and thoughtfulness towards Thy children. May they teach souls to enter into close union with Thee through Mary who, as the Gate of Heaven, is specially the guardian of the treasures of Thy Divine Heart.

Give us priests who are on fire, and who are true children of Mary, priests who will give Jesus to souls with the same tenderness and care with which Mary carried the Little Child of Bethlehem.

Mother of sorrows and of love, out of compassion for Thy beloved Son, open in our hearts deep wells of love, so that we may console Him and give Him a generation of priests formed in thy school and having all the tender thoughtfulness of thine own spotless love.’    Amen