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Thursday, June 26, 2014

10 Years in a Box

Today would have been my 10 year wedding anniversary. And for 10 years, in a box, on a shelf in my basement I've been holding on to my wedding dress. Initially, the first year of marriage I did this thinking maybe one day Mike and I would have children, and maybe one of those kids would be a girl, and maybe one of those girls would want to wear that same dress one day. But 10 months into our marriage Mike was diagnosed with brain cancer and though we didn't know it then, because we still had dreams of having children, we were unable to conceive. After he died 5 years later, that same dress still sat in the same box, on that same shelf.  I was holding on to that dress, clinging, not wanting to let go. This year, 10 years later, the same year I will enter the monastery to become a bride of Christ, I am ready to let go of that box, the dress.

I first started thinking about it when I saw a friend post something on Facebook, it caught my eye. She posted a website for an organization in Texas that accepts bridal gowns to make "angel gowns" for families who have lost a baby while in the hospital. This spoke to my heart, I liked the idea of giving something that was so dear to me at one point of my life, from a period of my life that had hopes of giving life...that could perhaps give comfort to others in another way. I decided I would pray with this before making a decision. As I prayed I felt peaceful about letting go of the box (that was by now so dusty by the way), with the dress. So I called my mom and we were planning a date to have her help me prepare the dress for shipping. Well, listen to how amazing God is... I was talking to an insurance agent (totally unrelated I know, but stick with me). I got her information from my brother who lives near Columbus. Ironically, she actually lives closer to me. And after we wrapped up our business with insurance she shared with me that well first she loves nuns (bonus) and second, she brings glory to God's Kingdom by doing ministry work in the area of bereavement. I shared with her that I was widowed and she proceeded to tell me some of the projects that she has done. One the specialty projects is taking wedding gowns and turning them into burial gowns for babies that have died. She said she does this locally so they will go to local hospitals here in Ohio, near where I live. I was speechless, but only momentarily. I interrupted her story to tell her what I was planning on doing with my dress and this is incredible that God has brought us together in this way and at this time! Then I asked her if she would accept my dress for her ministry project and she said she would.

So now that dusty box, with my 10 year old wedding dress, that sat on that same shelf will be no longer. I am giving it away for my anniversary and hope it will bring comfort and peace to grieving families here in my town. Praise God!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and God of all encouragement, who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

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