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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Too Soon?

Someone mentioned to me that "it was probably too soon"  that I attended the bereavement group at my church. (I attended almost a month after Mike died). Within moments I could feel myself begin to question if it was too soon. But then I stopped those thoughts. I know in my heart it wasn't. It was where I needed to be and where God wanted me to be. Maybe it would have been too soon for somebody else, but everybody's grief journey is different. Maybe it wasn't easy seeing me cry and express how I was feeling during that time. Maybe it was more painful for others to watch and hear how I was feeling, maybe too soon for them.

Going to that group, once a week on Monday nights though was one of the only things I looked forward to at that time of my life. It got me out of the house and to church. I don't second guess that I went that soon. It wasn't too soon. I needed God in my life and to be surrounded by people of faith. I needed to know it was going to be "okay" and that I was going to be "okay" and learn how to work through my grief in healthy ways.

I'm beginning to see a change in myself now. I guess in my emotional growth since Mike's death. I now welcome questions/statements like this more readily because then I can evaluate myself, choices, behaviors and either be assured and more confident in them or learn and grow from past mistakes. I'm glad I was asked this. It helped me look back at my journey that started almost 3 years ago.

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