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Monday, July 16, 2012

What Would He Think?

With all of these changes going on I sometimes have people ask, "What would Mike think?". The other day I realized this really bothered me...or I guess my answer bothered me. What I began to process is though I respected Mike's opinion when he was alive, what he "thinks" now is entirely different than what he and I both would have thought years ago about what the plans were for our future; my life, his life...our lives together. So it isn't such a fair question for me to answer but I understand why people ask, they are curious, maybe they don't understand or know what else to say.

What I have to learn is how to respond and be okay with my response. It's really not a relative question I guess is what I'm trying to say. I can't live my life worrying if Mike would approve of every little thing I do, that's not healthy.  I have to live accepting he's dead and live my life not thinking in terms of "what would Mike think" but rather what would God think? Am I living in Imago Dei (in the image and likeness of God)? Am I spreading the gospel and light of Christ? Do I feel fulfilled or is there something more God is calling me to do? Then I can take a step back and wonder, not what does Mike think, but rather how did Mike and all of the Saints live holy lives and how can I call upon their intercessions to help guide my journey.

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