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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows

The Virgin Mary, who believed in the word of the Lord, did not lose her
faith in God when she saw her Son rejected, abused and crucified. Rather she
remained beside Jesus, suffering and praying, until the end. And she saw the
radiant dawn of His Resurrection. Let us learn from her to witness to our
faith with a life of humble service, ready to personally pay the price of
staying faithful to the Gospel of love and truth, certain that nothing that
we do will be lost.

~Pope Benedict XVI

St. Rocco's Church, Cleveland
O Blessed mother,
it is not one sword only
with which I have pierced your heart,
but I have done so with as many
as are the sins which I have committed.
Ah, lady, it is not to you,
who are innocent,
that sufferings are due, but to me,
who am guilty of so many failures.
But since you have been pleased
to suffer so much for me,
by your grace help me be sorry for my sins,
and patient under the trials of this life. Amen.


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