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Monday, September 10, 2012

No Mass

Driving to mass this morning it was dark, peaceful and quiet. A phone call suddenly broke the silence. My friend Kelly called to tell me she was sitting in the church parking lot and she's pretty sure mass must be cancelled today. We talked about what we would do, both a little surprised, disappointment in our voices. I glanced at my clock and realized I didn't have enough time to shoot over to the other parish in town that has an early, early mass either. So we both ended up going to adoration on our own. I was disappointed not to be able attend mass this morning, but felt so fortunate that I was able to still go and be in the presence of God, what a gift and honor.
Adoration was beautiful this morning. Luckily I don't have any other engagement tonight because I can still attend mass at another local parish! Hmm, maybe this all has been more of an invitation today for me to spend a little extra time in the presence of God?
"O Jesus, here present in the Holy Eucharist, Thy Heart is all aglow with love for me! Thou dost call me, Thou dost urge me to come to Thee."
~ St. Ildephons

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