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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stay With Me

"Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” ~Matthew 26:41

After Mike died this scripture resonated with me. I was going through a tough time where there were things I wanted to do or change in my life, but I was tired both mentally, spirit was willing, but my flesh (body) was weak. I was so frustrated then and just wanted the grief to go away. Three and a half years later I can say I am at such a different place, I'm healed in so many ways, not to my own avail, all by the grace of God. Tonight at the end of mass the choir sang this song, taize style, and I started to think about how I was feeling and something started stirring inside...didn't want the song to end, or to leave. Thoughts started tossing in my head, as I started to think about how this scripture applies to my life now. I began to wonder what decision(s) is my spirit willing and my flesh weak? Are there earthly things holding me back? Going to "watch & pray" on these things.

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