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Friday, March 29, 2013

the cross and the crown

the cross and the crown
came tumbling down
crusted with gull and blood
what an ensemble to wear
no gold and silver
no jewels to glimmer
twisted and cruel
made of rage, worn for salvation
blood and sweat drip
from each crevice and fingertip
whip,  crack, snap
stab him here
crowds chant and cry
“crucify”, watch him die
until the curtain tears, the earth quakes
“Father forgive them, they know not what they do”
each time the cock crows
they deny
not willing to carry the cross 
or wear the crown
even just for one day
or to repent or pray
if only they knew what heaven awaits
and the promises that God has made.
who is they, them
or is it I?
that crucified
hung on the cross to die...
only to rise
and the cross and crown
he will wear
in glory and splendor
until now and ever after.

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