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Monday, July 1, 2013

Sign of the Cross+

Signing with the cross

Lord Jesus,
I sign my heart with the sign of the cross,
reminding myself
of your love for each person.
I ask that I may grow in faithfulness
as your friend.

I sign my lips with the sign of the cross,
that I may speak as you would speak.

I sign my hands with the sign of the cross
asking that you enable me
to do your work,
and be your hands
in our world which you love so much.

I sign my eyes with the sign of your cross
that I may really see, Lord, 
and be aware
of all that is around me. 

I sign my ears with the sign of your cross
that I may listen and really hear
the communication that comes to me
in different ways
- from you
and from the people 
you place into my life.

I sign my shoulders, Lord, with your cross,
knowing that you call me
to carry my own cross each day
and support others 
in the burdens and difficulties 
that they have.

All that I do today
I set out to do
in the name of the Father (+)
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

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