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Monday, July 21, 2014

My Lord, I know not to whom I can better dedicate my life than you. My beloved, most holy love. I believe in making you this offering, total gift of myself, with the purpose of bringing more souls to  you and our most Holy Queen. To you then, Jesus Christ, I consecrate myself and pray you graciously accept my offering. That Our Lady will watch over me and pray for me. I pray that in doing so I will not receive praise from men but rather bring them to communion with you with greater affection to your tender, sacred heart. I place this prayer at your feet where I beg you to accept my offering of self. I place my heart upon the altar as entirely yours. For you Lord Jesus Christ who has showered me with mercy and love. Amen, so I hope, so may it be.

(My prayer adapted from St. Aphonsus Liguori’s Dedication to Our Lady)

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