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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Saints All Hallows Eve

 Happy Halloween!

"Being a Saint just means being who you are and that God calls us to be nothing more and more importantly nothing less than the people we are called to be." ~Fr. James Martin

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Priesthood Sunday

Prayer for Priests

O Jesus, I pray for

Your faithful and fervent priests;
for Your unfaithful and tepid priests;
for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields;
for Your tempted priests;
for Your lonely and desolate priests;
for Your young priests;
for Your dying priests;

for the souls of Your priests in purgatory.
But above all I recommend to You the priests dearest to me:
the priest who baptized me;
the priest who absolved me from my sins;
the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your
Body and Blood in Holy Communion;
the priests who taught and instructed me;
all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way.
O Jesus, keep them all close to Your heart,

and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity.

~St. Therese of Lisieux

Saturday, October 27, 2012

"There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future." ~St. Augustine of Hippo

Thursday, October 25, 2012

You Had Me At...

About two weeks ago I attended a day retreat about Thomas Merton. I really didn't know much about him before attending the retreat, but after just hearing the opening prayer of Merton's I was hooked. Kind of like the line from Jerry Maguire, "You had me at hello", Merton had me after hearing the first line of his Prayer of Abandonment, "My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going." Um, Yep. That's me!
Here's the whole prayer in it's entirety;

Thomas Merton's Prayer of Abandonment

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you
and I hope that I have that desire in all that I am doing.
And I know that if I do this, you will lead me by the right road
although I may know nothing about it.
Therefore will I trust you always though
I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death,
I will not fear, for you are ever with me
and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.
Since the retreat I've acquired another book to read...The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton. It's his life story he wrote when he was 29 about his life and conversion. From what I gather he was a typical person, well a bit of a "jerk" actually; young, immature and after experiencing a sense of loneliness or an "ache" for years, experienced a conversion and eventually responded to a higher calling from God and became a monk. (That's a VERY cliff-note version of his life story taken from my retreat notes).

One of the most impressionable things I learned about Thomas Merton though was that he experienced a great deal of loss as a child. His mom died when he was 6 years old and then his dad when he was 16. His father died due to a brain tumor. The presenter actually read an excerpt from when Thomas was sitting at his father's bedside while his father was dying. (Right away I could feel the lump creep in my throat and tears well in my eyes). As he was reading, images of Mike went through my mind, his death and how I would lay in bed with him him as he died. But as he continued to read, I felt "OK". I felt like I was ready to hear someone else's experience of death, death of a loved one due to brain cancer albeit. I actually found peace in that moment. Or maybe it was in the whole moment. The moment of the afternoon and hearing about Thomas' whole life...from sinner to saint, a void in his life that nothing could fill and then to experience this grace from God and conversion. I'm really interested to learn more about his life journey and how God has worked in his life.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

“To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us - and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him. Gratitude therefore takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder and to praise of the goodness of God. For the grateful person knows that God is good, not by hearsay but by experience. And that is what makes all the difference.” ~ Thomas Merton

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hail Mary

After attending a parish study tonight, I was inspired by one of discussion questions...What is your favorite image of Mary? I had a million images going through my head, most are from my trip to Israel, some are local. Here's some photos...
St. Rocco's Church, Cleveland
What I loved about this photo is how the kids are playing around the shrine of Mary.

Israel, U.S.A. Immaculate Conception Sculpture
The Church of the Visitation, Israel
The Church of the Visitation, Israel

Monday, October 22, 2012


First reading from today's liturgy...Wow! Thank you God for your Grace and Mercy.

Reading 1 Eph 2:1-10
Brothers and sisters:
You were dead in your transgressions and sins
in which you once lived following the age of this world,
following the ruler of the power of the air,
the spirit that is now at work in the disobedient.
All of us once lived among them in the desires of our flesh,
following the wishes of the flesh and the impulses,
and we were by nature children of wrath, like the rest.
But God, who is rich in mercy,
because of the great love he had for us,
even when we were dead in our transgressions,
brought us to life with Christ (by grace you have been saved),
raised us up with him,
and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus,
that in the ages to come
he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace
in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
For by grace you have been saved through faith,
and this is not from you; it is the gift of God;
it is not from works, so no one may boast.
For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works
that God has prepared in advance,
that we should live in them.

Memorial of Blessed John Paul II

Blessed John Paul II Added to U.S. Liturgical Calendar;  Feast Day Set For October 22

"Do not be afraid, Open, I say open wide the doors for Christ." ~Blessed John Paul II

Morning Prayer

O God, you are our Creator.
You are good and your mercy knows no bounds.
To you arises the praise of every creature.
O God, you have given us an inner law by which we must live.
To do your will is our task.
To follow your ways is to know peace of heart.
To you we offer our homage.
Guide us on all the paths we travel upon this earth.
Free us from all the evil tendencies which lead our hearts away from your will.
Never allow us to stray from you.
O God, judge of all humankind, help us to be included among your chosen ones on the last day.
O God, Author of peace and justice, give us true joy and authentic love, and a lasting solidarity among peoples.
Give us your everlasting gifts. Amen.
- Bl. Pope John Paul II

O God, who are rich in mercy and who willed that the blessed John Paul the Second should preside as Pope over your universal Church, grant, we pray, that instructed by his teaching, we may open our hearts to the saving grace of Christ, the sole Redeemer of mankind. Who lives and reigns.

USCCB News Release

Liturgical Prayers & Readings

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Annointing of the Sick

The best reason for receiving the sacrament of the anointing may simply be that through it God offers his help—whether it is God's healing or God's strength, which enables us to cope with illness or impending death.


Pope Benedict the XVI canonized seven new saints today on World Mission Sunday!

Canonization Homily

"Do not be afraid to be saints. Follow Jesus Christ who is the source of freedom and light. Be open to the Lord so that He may lighten all your ways." ~Pope John Paul II

Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha's canonization Mass will be live at 3:30 AM ET & 11 AM ET on EWTN.

"All of us must be saints in this world. Holiness is a duty for you and me. So let’s be saints and so give glory to the Father." ~Mother Teresa

Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Dear young people, the happiness you are seeking, the happiness you have a right to enjoy has a name and a face: it is Jesus of Nazareth, hidden in the Eucharist. Only he gives the fullness of life to humanity! With Mary, say your own “yes” to God, for he wishes to give himself to you." ~Pope Benedict XVI

Friday, October 19, 2012

Morning Prayer

Sts. John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues and Companions
Holy North American Martyrs,
protect this land which you have blessed
by the shedding of your blood.
Renew in these days our Catholic faith
which you helped to establish in this new land.
Bring all our fellow citizens
to a knowledge and love of the truth.
Make us zealous in the profession of our faith
so that we may continue and perfect the work
that you have begun
with so much labor and suffering.
Pray for our homes, our schools, our missions,
for vocations, for the conversion of sinners,
the return of those
who have wandered from the fold,
and the perseverance of all the faithful.
And foster a deeper and increasing unity
among all Christians. Amen.
- Anonymous

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Feast of St. Luke

Prayer to St. Luke
Most wonderful St. Luke you were animated by the Heavenly Spirit of Love. In faithfully detailing the humanity of Jesus, you also showed His divinity and His genuine compassion for all human beings. May the Holy Spirit, instructor of the faithful, help me to understand Christ’s words and faithfully apply them in my life.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


As I was driving home tonight from class I was thinking about all of the people in my life and how lucky I am...Jesus, family, friends, priests, coworkers, classmates, students, teachers, acquaintances, strangers, saints and I can't forget my guardian angel! All have impacted me, supported and guided me in this journey called life. Some I've known for years, some for days, some I don't even know their full name and some I haven't even met, but just by hearing about them and the lives they lived have inspired me to attempt to change my ways and strive to do better, be a better Christian.  By the grace of God they were brought into my life and they may not even know how they have impacted me. Some of these people know each other, some do not and may never meet. Sometimes I think about how cool it would be if I could invite all of these people, living, dead and spiritual beings to gather together for one big party. And not the type of party you typically host where you feel like you just don't have enough time to truly spend with each guest, so when the evening is over you wish you had spent more time talking to so and so or you wonder if you even said goodbye to so and so, but instead where time would be endless. I continued to drive smiling at this thought & even began to envision some of the guests interacting. My "drive-dream" was interrupted with a final thought. I began to wonder if perhaps this is what Heaven will be like? One big party with those you love. A party that is eternal and hosted by God.

St. Ignatius of Antioch Pray for Us!

"Faith is the beginning, and love is the end; and the union of the two together is God."

God, make us more like Jesus.
Help us to bear difficulty, pain,
disappointment and sorrow
knowing that in your perfect working and design
you can use such bitter experiences
to shape our characters
and make us more like Christ.
We look with hope for that day
when we shall be wholly like Christ,
because we shall see him as he is.
- St. Ignatius of Antioch

Monday, October 15, 2012

Memorial of St. Teresa of Avila

Lord, grant that I may always allow myself to be guided by You,
always follow Your plans,
and perfectly accomplish Your Holy Will.
Grant that in all things,
great and small, today and all the days of my life,
I may do whatever You require of me.
Help me respond to the slightest prompting of Your Grace,
so that I may be Your trustworthy instrument for Your honor.
May Your Will be done in time and in eternity -- by me, in me, and through me.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Morning Prayer

You are Christ, my holy father,
my tender God, my great king,
my good shepherd, my only master,
my best helper, my most beautiful and my beloved,
my living bread, my priest forever,
my leader to my country, my true light,
my holy sweetness, my straight way,
my excellent wisdom, my pure simplicity,
my peaceful harmony, my entire protection,
my good portion, my everlasting salvation.
- St. Augustine of Hippo

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Brain Cancer

The MGBF was one of the sponsors at an event today held at The Gathering Place. It was a Brain Tumor/Brain Cancer Symposium. Doctors, social workers and nurses attended and presented. Patients, caregivers listened attentively during the sessions and then there were supporting organizations. In 2008, Mike and I attended as the patient and caregiver. Today I found myself in a different role, the widow and spokesperson, along with my sister-in-law, for our nonprofit. It was a wonderful opportunity for so many reasons. Of course the obvious from a marketing standpoint to get our name out there, network and hopefully reach more patients and families that may need support. It was also a great opportunity to sit in the sessions and learn, brush up on my brain tumor lingo, retype some brain tumor vocab I have not visited in years. But the greatest gift about today was meeting, talking to and just sitting among the patients. I love hearing their stories. To hug them. I love the look of pride that shines across their face when they talk about their doctors. If they could whip a photo of their doctors out of their wallet,  I think they would. (I know Mike and I would have).  And then I found myself a couple times just sitting in awe at the miracles they all are. Just thinking of this disease and what a monster it can be, the scars are there to show their battle wounds, but they are walking miracles and I felt so blessed to sit in their presence.
It brought me back to a memory of Mike...
After Mike was diagnosed our whole bedtime routine changed. We began going to bed together, to be together (extra moments of time together meant the world to me, to us)  and we began to pray together. One of my prayer duties was to bless us with holy water and then we had healing oil and a healing prayer (request your own healing oil ). Each night as we prayed I would rub the oil on his head, on his incision and near where I guess I envisioned the tumor or cancer cells were hiding out. Often I would sink into a type of mental imaginative prayer (if there is such a thing). I imagined the oil seeping into his skull, into his brain and melting the cancer cells just as we prayed or that God would place his hand on mine and just by his touch Mike would be healed. Sometimes I would find myself just mesmerized by his scars. He had one scar on his forehead from his Gamma Knife treatment (not the actual treatment but the screw that that held the headgear in place) and it looked like a star. I thought it was cute, Mike didn't...guess a 30 year old guy wouldn't want a star scar on his forehead. But just like I felt today, I remember being so amazed that he was alive. What a gift. What a miracle. And what an honor that I could be by his side, praying with him and rubbing this oil on his head. Sometimes I would actually get so lost in this thought to the point where Mike would get irritated with me rubbing his head and tell me to stop, that the prayer was over. That was our dynamic, still makes me laugh. :)

Today brought me back to that memory. It made me happy to be lost in that moment again; to feel the smiles, laughter and awe. Then to leave the memory feeling blessed to have had that opportunity. It's a weird mix of feelings, thoughts and faith to try to explain, something I hold close to my heart, but a good place to be.
Lord, watch over those who are affected by cancer. Give them strength to battle the disease, and bless them with caregivers who are attentive and kind. Heal them and keep them safe in Your loving embrace.

Low Tech

I'm very low-tech this weekend. My phone it kaput! I found out Friday, and I won't have a replacement until Monday. I do not have a land-line, it was my alarm clock, gps, cardio trainer, mp3 player, camera, watch, oh yeah did I mention phone? Yeah I'm guilty, I used it for Facebook, text messaging, email, I was wired to the world. Funny thing, though I miss it I'm realizing it is mainly out of habit. I'm surviving. I just say a little prayer to good 'ole St. Christopher that I make it wherever safely (with no detours) phone to call for help, no gps to spoiled right? What I do miss is my rosary app. I can pray it on my own, but it's not pretty. There's a lot of flipping around through my prayer book, flubbed words. Oh, and the Laudette app I miss too for Liturgy of the Hours. But in a lot of ways, it is kind of a nice reminder to take a break sometimes. To turn off the noise and distractions and listen.

"When it's God Who is speaking . . . the proper way to behave is to imitate someone who has an irresistible curiosity and who listens at keyholes. You must listen to everything God says at the keyhole of your heart."
- St. John Vianney

Friday, October 12, 2012

"Jesus does not need books or doctors to teach souls. He, the Doctor of doctors, teaches without the noise of words. I have never heard him speak and yet I know he is in me. At every moment, he guides me and inspires me." ~St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Morning Prayer

O my divine Savior,
transform me into yourself.
May my hands be the hands of Jesus.
May my tongue be the tongue of Jesus.
Grant that every faculty of my body
may serve only to glorify you.
Above all, transform my soul
and all its powers
so that my memory, will, and affections
may be the memory, will, and affections of Jesus.
I pray to you to destroy in me
all that is not of you.
Grant that I may live
but in you, by you and for you,
so that I may truly say with St. Paul,
"I live now, not I, but Christ lives in me."
- St. John Gabriel Perboyre, CM

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Year of Faith Begins, Feast of Blessed John XXIII

Prayer for the Year of Faith
Eternal God, everlasting Father, we lift to you adoring love and praise
for the gift of faith by which we open ourselves
to the fiery Love of your Spirit,
poured out through the pierced Heart of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Stir up that faith anew in us, O Father!
Deepen our trust, illumine our minds, enkindle our hearts
and make us worthy servants of the reconciliation Christ won for us,
that we may come to know the peace of the Kingdom
where you live forever and ever.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Walk With Me

Walk with me, Lord,
as I find my way in this world.
I sometimes feel as if I’m meant to do more,
but I can’t find my true path.
Guide me to be everything I’m meant to be,
and help me to strive to always do more.

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Prayer for Priests

Lord Jesus, you have chosen your priests from among us and sent them out to proclaim your word and to act in your name. For so great a gift to your Church,we give you praise and thanksgiving.
We ask you to fill them with the fire of your love,  that their ministry may reveal your presence in the Church. Since they are earthen vessels, we pray that your power shine out throught their weakness.
In their afflictions let them never be crushed;  in their doubts never despair; in temptation never be destroyed; in persecution never abandoned. Inspire them through prayer to live each day the mystery of your dying and rising. In times of weakness send them your Spirit,  and help them to praise your heavenly Father and pray for poor sinners. By the same Holy Spirit put your words on their lips and your love in their hearts, to bring good news to the poor and healing to the brokenhearted. And may the gift of Mary your mother, to the disciple whom you loved,  be your gift to every priest. Grant that she who formed you in her human image, may form them in your divine image, by the power of your Spirit, to the glory of God the Father.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

"If one wants to be always in God's company, he must pray regularly and read regularly. When we pray we talk to God; when we read, God talks to us." ~Saint Isidore of Seville

Our Lady of the Rosary

"How entirely blessed was the mind of the Virgin which, through the indewelling and guidance of the Spirit, was always and in every way open to the power of the Word of God." ~ Saint Lawerence Justiniani


Saturday, October 6, 2012

"Goodbye Lisa"

I was leaving somewhere today and someone said to me, "Goodbye Lisa". I smiled politely and said, "Goodbye". I wasn't thrown off by being called the wrong name, goodness there's been so many times I've failed to remember somebody's name or called someone the wrong name. What struck me later on was a childhood memory.
When I was young, probably 7ish I'd guess, I remember going through a phase where I did not like my name. Possibly even my middle name the whole gamut; Mary Terese. Who knows what sparked this dislike. Maybe a conversation at school with a friend, or a TV show...I can't remember all of those details. But I remember that I was the only kid in my class named Mary, I think even the whole school. I didn't like having an uncommon name. I recall questioning "Who names their kid Mary anyways? That's an old person name." I wanted a common name, something "cooler". So I would revolt when I played Barbies. Yep, you better bet that none of my dolls were EVER named Mary. Lisa was the name I picked. I even had a plan that maybe when I got older I would change my name.
I don't think I ever told my parents about not liking my name. But I did later learn why I was named Mary. I was named after a Great Aunt who was deceased. She was always smiling and took pictures a lot. ( maybe there's something to this name). And I eventually got over the whole not liking my name thing. I eventually began to like my name because it was different. I began to like my middle name because nobody knew how to spell it and that made me different. I began to like my name because I could attribute it to so many beautiful Saints. So I began to learn about them, pray their novenas, ask for their intercessions. Learned how to pray the Hail Mary (and the rosary)!
As an adult now it's interesting how reflecting back on a memory like this can make you feel. I feel a bit sad and ashamed that I felt like that about my name. That I didn't connect my name to Mary, the Mother of God. I'm curious and wonder how aware I was of Mary as a child. I know I didn't know the prayer Hail Mary. I love my name now (first & middle). I still don't know a whole lot of Marys and I'm okay with that. The Marys I do know (living and Saints) are amazing women.

This memory has inspired me to be certain that my Godchildren, nieces, nephews and students know more about their names and what makes them special and holy.

Here are some sites for reference:

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Do Not Be Afraid

"There are many ways to proclaim Christ, and not only with words. It is not only a matter of speaking or preaching or what is negatively considered 'proselytizing.' Proclaiming Christ includes everything that we do, in word or in deed, to bear witnesses to our faith in him. We proclaim Christ by our way of life. The important point is this: the proclamation of Christ is not an option or an obligation reserved for bishops, priests, deacons, and religious. It is the duty of every believer." ~The Most Reverend José H. Gomez, S.T.D., Archbishop of San Antonio
During communion today we sang the song, You Are Mine. It is a beautiful and powerful song. (Actually, that song has such a personal connection to me...I used to attend a cancer prayer group when Mike was alive and that was the song we would sing upon gathering). But today it took upon a different meaning it gave hope during a time when so much debate and discussion is geared towards the campaign and defending our Catholic faith, beliefs, life and in essence freedom. Not society's skewed/distorted view of freedom and the sense of entitlement that is abounding. The freedom we can only find through love of God and by doing God's will.

As I was leaving church a parishioner said to me to be certain to get my friends to go and vote. My initial thought was yes, that is important. We all should be taking an active stance and going to vote upon examining our moral conscience in light of the issues and see how the issues align with our Catholic beliefs. But I also thought what more can we do before election day? Why wait? "The Church" is not just the Pope, Bishops, Priests a.k.a. the leaders, but all of us make-up The Church. As Archbishop Jose H. Gomez alluded to above, every believer has a duty and responsibility to her. After the parishioner told me to get my friends to vote she told me she was afraid. I was taken back by her comment because I had the adverse feeling. I felt peaceful and loved at that moment. I felt like through receiving the Eucharist, the words of the liturgy and hymn, God was affirming his love for us.

Here's the chorus:
Do not be afraid, I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow Me
I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine
Those words left me feeling hopeful not hopeless. For it may seem dark and it may seem frightening now and it is terrible that there are intrinsic evils that exist in this world. But those things, people, supporters or politicians, the people that oppose my religious beliefs, or curse at me when I am praying outside of an abortion clinic...they are not the source of my love, or my hope or my courage or my joy. Only God is, they can't take it away from me, unless I let them (and I won't)! The spiritual warfare that is going on is much stronger than any political debate right now and good will prevail. We just need to keep doing our part...not waiting for it to happen or for someone else to do something. We are all called and as God commands, do not be afraid.

St. Francis of Assisi Pray for Us!

Prayer of Saint Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

 O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Morning Prayer

Father, grant that I may be 

a bearer of Christ Jesus, your Son. 

Allow me to warm 

the often cold, impersonal scene 

of modern life with your burning love. 

Strengthen me by your Holy Spirit 

to carry out my mission of changing the world 

or some definite part of it for the better. 

Despite my lamentable failures, 

bring home to me that my advantages 

are your blessings to be shared with others. 

Make me more energetic in setting right 

what I find wrong with the world 

instead of complaining about it. 

Nourish in me a practical desire 

to build up rather than tear down, 

to reconcile instead of polarize, 

to go out on a limb rather than crave security. 

Never let me forget 

that it is far better to light one candle 

than to curse the darkness,

and to join my light, 

one day, with yours. Amen.

- Prayer of the Christophers

Received this prayer today in my inbox this morning. What a perfect gift to receive today! Thank you God!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Guardian Angels

Did you know that we all receive a guardian angle at birth? A guardian angel who is assigned to protect, guide and watch over us.
Psalm 91:10-11 "No evil shall befall you, no affliction come near your tent. For he commands his angels with regard to you, to guard you wherever you go. "

And so we pray on this day, the feast of the Guardian angels, and every day...
Angel of God
My guardian dear
To Whom His love
Commits me here
Ever this day
Be at my side
To light and guard
To rule and guide.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The dawn from on high shall break on us… to guide our feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:78,79).

St. Therese, The Little Flower

Nine Days of Prayer in Honor of Saint Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower

Saint Therese, who in your short life attained to angelic purity, generous love, and wholehearted purity, generous love, and wholehearted surrender to Almighty God, pray for us who trust in you.

You have received the reward of your virtues; obtain for us the grace to be pure of heart and to avoid whatever may tarnish any virtue pleasing to God.

May we know in every need the power of your prayer for us. Comfort us in the sorrows of this life and especially at its end, that we be worthy to share your happiness in Heaven. Amen.
Pray for us, blessed Therese. That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.

O Lord Who has said: "Unless you become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven," grant us, we implore you, to walk in the footsteps of Saint Therese. Amen.

Intention for the FIRST DAY - Faith
Almighty God and Creator of all things, to overcome luke warmness and inflame souls with Your love, you have enriched the soul of Your Little Flower with such firm faith that she longed to give her life for You. I ask You, by the merits of her lively faith, to infuse in me a like faith. Grant that I may believe all the truths taught by the Catholic Church and practice until death all virtues. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Intention for the SECOND DAY - Hope
Almighty God, You Who are glorified in Your saints, grant me the gift of hope as was evident in the life of Saint Therese, that I may believe firmly in Your words:
"Whatever you ask in My Name shall be given to you."

As Saint Therese turned away from the vanities of this world and consecrated herself to You with complete confidence, may I also turn from those vanities and seek You alone, my love and my all. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Intention for the THIRD DAY - Love
My Jesus, grant that I may love You as much as Saint Therese, Your Little Flower, and say with her:
"My Jesus, I beg You only for Your love, without limits and without bounds. Grant, my Jesus that I may love you with the strength of a martyr. I wish to love You as You have never been loved."

And you, Saint Therese, help me to be ever grateful to Him Who loves me so much.  Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Intention for the FOURTH DAY - Submission
My Lord and my God, You always will what is best for me. As Your Little Flower consecrated herself to You to endure all sufferings and pain, may I accept with perfect resignation and even cheerfulness all the hardships that come to me in life, that I may be able to say, as did Your beloved spouse:

"Jesus, I offer my hardships to You in the name of Your love."

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Intention for the FIFTH DAY - Patience
My Lord, Innocence Itself, You endured all forms of shameful treatment for love of me. Give me the humility, self-denial, and patience to imitate Your spouse, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, and say with all my heart:

My despised Jesus, grant me, by the merits of Your humility and patience, to bear with a calm spirit all the sufferings of this life, and then to enjoy Your company with Your spouse, the Little Flower.  Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Intention for the SIXTH DAY - Simplicity
My sweet Jesus, give me the charity and simplicity of Saint Therese. She said her mission in Heaven would be to make others love God as she loved Him, and to teach others to seek and find God in the little things in life. Grant that I may not rest until I love God with all my strength and with the childlike simplicity of the Little Flower.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Intention for the SEVENTH DAY - Humility
My Jesus, give me the grace to practice virtue in little things. It is sometimes difficult, but I trust in Your goodness, and Your love for humble persons. I am too weak to climb the ladder of perfection alone, but I know that I shall obtain from You the help I hope for. I join the Little Flower in asking You for this blessing. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Intention for the EIGHTH DAY - Doing for Others
My God and my Love, give me on earth the same mission You gave Your Little Flower in Heaven, of spending my life doing good to my neighbor. My Jesus, help me to console all men and encourage them to love You. Mall all love You as Your Immaculate Mother, Your foster father, Saint Joseph, Your holy angels, and Saint Therese love you. Allow me to pray with her:

"Let Your divine glance rest upon a vast number of little souls, worthy of Your love."

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Intention for the NINTH DAY - Happy Death
My dear Lord, grant me the same childlike love for Your foster father and Your holy and immaculate Mother as Saint Therese had.

And you, Saint Therese, ask my great protector and father, Saint Joseph, and my holy Mother, Mary, to obtain for me the grace of dying the friendship of Jesus, and expressing in your own words:

"My God, I love You."  Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be